As the winter starts to retreat and the days are becoming brighter, though recently winter is trying to stay a little longer and fighting back with cold days. Our range, though a little behind schedule should be ready to be used within a few weeks, just in time really for our outdoor season. Though to be fair that could be considered a good thing. For one it allows us to claw back some of our depleted funds and not have to spend them (or at least as much as we would do if we were entering winter) on utilities. Plus to be honest losing an indoor season doesn't really matter when the final result is going to be a place we can call home and won't have to fight for space over.
Also though we've been limited due to light shooting outdoors over winter hasn't been that bad, true its been chill, but then its winter and its England, when is it not chill. Generally we've been very lucky with the weather and have had most dry (perhaps very wet underfoot) days for shooting. we've even had shooting in the snow.

Though the picture looks blue it was brighter and warmer than you'd think. Bonus of shooting in the snow is that if you miss the target finding your arrow is easy, you just follow the trail till it stops and then go digging a few inches further. This only becomes a problem if you miss alot.....luckily at this range that doesn't happen generally.

We also had our annual dinner and award at our new home, with wonderful Thai food, and lovely cakes (provided by members). I managed to claim one trophy though this wasn't ment with complete satisfaction from my other half. Though pleased I won it, being a glass trophy it didn't sit too well as small children and glass generally don't mix, but stored up high out of her reach (for now) its safe. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening, though some grumbles over the quiz questions, but aside from that, couldn't make it too easy can we. :p My little one enjoyed it too, large space to run around, lots of people to pay her attention and a kitchen to try and get into without anyone catching her.
Despite not having an indoor range to practice, a merry band of our archers went to compete in the Chester indoor team shoot with: one recurve team, one compound team, and two longbow teams. They day went well and our archers shot well and by the end of the day we walked away with:
-1st Junior Gent Compound
-1st Longbow team award (5th year in a row)
-2nd Lady Longbow
-2nd Gent Longbow
-1st Junior Lady Longbow
Spot a theme? I did however miss out on getting a new Cheshire badge by 9 points, but there is always next year.
Despite saying I would, I still have not ordered a new longbow, and now its a bit late to have it ready for the outdoor season, I'm still pondering what bow I want. I know I want to raise the poundage but what I think I can handle is a different question., power is no good without control and sacrifice to form.
Already I have scanned the internet and found alot of open longbow shoots to keep me busy with this year and I'm quite looking forward to them, and seeing familiar faces again. Though I'm enjoying shooting outdoors, indoor rounds get quite boring, even when shooting them outdoors. I might in a couple of weeks put out a target a bit further away and shoot at that instead. Also this year I'm arranging my clubs first open longbow shoot, and glad to say already I have people sending in application forms to take part in it, i'm hoping alot more will enter but there is plenty of time before it occurs, and plent more events to advertise it coming up as well.
Well I think it is time for me to finish this update so I leave you with a quote from an unknown archer (if you know who it was please write in the comments below). Good shooting everyone:
The day archery becomes nothing but work it is time to put away the bow
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