Since we last met, I've shot:
- Wirral Friendly (Albion)
- New Century Novice Shoot (National)
- Long National
- Long Western
The friendly against the Wirral archers is an annual club event, and this time it was a home match. Three Wirral turned up to shoot, and eight of our own archers (including myself). The day was reasonably nice though the wind blew strongly in gusts, soon the arrows were loosed and targets peppered. Though Wirral had no longbow archers the NCB longbow archers brought the longbows to bear. After a long day and a good meal provided by NCB members, the scores were tallied and compared together, and picking those who shot the same rounds with the same bows as the Wirral archers, NCB came out on top. But that was not the only success of the day, I took the first step towards achieving my season goal of first class. For those interested the battle of longbows was close, I was leading at 80yds, but after very bad shooting at 60yds Doug Shaw had over taken me. So at 50yds its all what counted, and with a determined eye I shot quite keenly, and as the last arrow landed and the scores were tallied, the final result was Doug 334, and myself.......333, one point was in it. A more exciting match could not have been seen.
With the success of my first class pip I was aware that I needed two more before I had earned the classification, but I had signed up to attend the novice shoot at New Century. So I set off hitching a lift with two other NCB archers Hugh and Lizzie Foster. Admittedly the weather wasn't the best, at the start of the day the wind blew, and on and off the rain fell. Despite that it was a very relaxing day and though I didn't shoot my best I still shot reasonably well and ended up winning 2nd longbow. I also managed to shoot enough to earn a purple Cheshire cat Cheshire badge. Also interestingly enough one of the other longbow archers had an Adrian Hayes longbow, so it was interesting and also a conversation starter.
With only two shoots left in the season neither more than 60yds, the first class classification was still sitting in the back of my mind. So I decided that I wasn't going to waste the first class score and intended to do the longer versions of what it said on the calender.
The Long National was first, and my raven's inspired by their previous success landed comfortably in the target over and over, though they tended to stay out of the centre as that was being peppered by the compound arrows of John Stubbs. By the end of the day I had achieved the second pip of my first class classification.Today was the last chance until the season ended and I'd have to do the whole thing all over again. It was a cloudy day and with strong gusts coming from behind. With a threat of rain at lunchtime, only five archers turned up today. Interestingly Meg Shaw has decided to get a bit of practice with the longbow.....another to the true archers? Well we'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, today my ravens decided to brave the gold spot, and I almost managed to get a three gold end at 80yds, which for longbows is badge worthy, but my raven's rarely like to share their golden perch. esp as compound arrows were being pelted into it. One raven did stray too close and was dented by a compound arrow, but yet survived. But it was a success my ravens bagged enough point for my third 1st class score, and with that score, I'm now a first class archer and possibly knocked another point off my handicap score. So with the last shoots of the seasons I managed just to scrape in the outdoor goal I set out to achieve.
This is a big long so I won't do it now but my next post I'll post up my season stats, so you can compare to your own if you like, but for now thanks for reading and fly straight.
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