Last entry I ended just after the monthly medal, which I now have a picture for you:
Since the monthly medal we were scheduled to have the clubs AGM and The President's Cup, both of which had to be postponed for various reasons, which came with mixed opinions from members.
But we did manage to shoot the FITA. Now this was the first time I'd shot a FITA and it was longer than I expected. A FITA is 12 dozen arrows: 3 at 90m, 3 at 70m on a big face. and then 3 at 50m and 3 at 30m on a smaller face. I'd never shot these distances and this amount of arrows either, and with my heavier bow it was a challenge esp on my finger that has blistered since using this new bow. But for a bow I couldn't string when I first got it, I can now string by hand and shoot with comfortably.
Despite the long distances I did reasonably well shot to a 2nd class standard, which is one up from last years classification. This was also the first outing of the new flock of ravens, who are cut down compared to the previous ones, and have 4" fletchings, and 125grain field tips.
The next day there was a shoot against Bruntwood but unfortunately I was unable to attend, six of our members did represent us but unfortunately we were beaten. But I'm sure we gave them a run for their money.
Thanks to the Royals the previously cancelled York shoot was back on the the board, re-scheduled for us on the Friday. Now a York is another long shoot and one of the few you can reach Grandmaster Bowman status (not that I'm anywhere near that yet). Again this had distances I had not shot before as its a 12 dozen arrow round, 6 dozen at 100yds, 4 dozen at 80yds, and 2 dozen at 60yds. This was a very windy day and you could see arrows flying sideways when the wind caught them. What didn't help was that the wind wasn't constant in two ways, it gusted so sometimes it would be blowing a gale it would knock the arrow off from the rests and other times it would have dropped that when you shot compensating for wind, the wind wasn't there. It also wasn't consistent down the field, so you'd have crosswinds as the arrows travelled. So this wasn't the best day for my first York, but despite the conditions I don't think I did badly, again I shot to a 2nd class standard, and was only 40pts off first. I know that sounds alot but in retrospect 40pts lost could be just a bad end (6 arrows). To our surprise, few archers turned up (must've been enthralled by the royal wedding). In fact there were only 3 of us, we shot 12.5 dozen arrows in under 4 hours including time for lunch. So seeing as the calender said a National was to be shot at 2pm as well, the two longbowers of the day Steve Dunn and myself shot that as well. David Campbell didn't shoot the National with us but loosed a few to sort his bow out and get sight marks, as well as very kindly scoring for us. Steve did beat me in the York and National, but was still fun. 222 arrows later on the return home though I discovered despite keeping to the shade for a good part of the day, the sun had hit me enough to turn part of me pink.
But a days rest to relax the shoulders, brought us to the Presidents Cup, which was a St.George to be shot on May Day, another day we celebrate with pagan history. Now a St.George (yes I know it would have made sense to shoot it on St.Georges day but can't have it all) is 3dozen at 100, 3dozen at 80 and 3 dozen at 60. Again this was a very windy day so much so you'd pick up arrows from the boss and ground at very odd angles, as they've been pushed sideways through the wind. What didn't help either was one of my eyes decided to constantly water and by the end was rubbed raw (blaming suncream getting into the eye). But despite difficulties I shot again to a 2nd class standard and under 20 points away from first class, so gives me hope that I might reach 1st class by the end of the outdoor season, (hopefully with some calmer days).
Unfortunately for Shaun and Steve, both lost some arrows as they broke on impact when hitting legs or metal pins, lucky for me though the only damage I suffered was some knocks that barely scraped the oil on the wood.
sighters for that.
I have signed up to shoot at Keddlestone, which I'm quite looking forward too. Being a longbow only shoot it'll be nice to see I suppose a band or even regiment of longbow archers, giving an impression of what it must've been like centuries back. Also being a longbow shoot the rules are a little different. For a start you don't get sighter arrows to gauge your range, you also don't get a second shot if your arrow bounces out of the target. Upside is though at the end of each distance you get cake and sherry(not my preferred drink but still an incentive).
Despite the wind its been a pleasant time of shooting this month and its a shame other archers haven't been coming out to enjoy it. To be totally honest I'd like to see some of the members who only seem to be names on the website come and shoot, I'm sure they have valid reasons why they don't shoot but its just a shame to have so many members but only a fraction of them shooting. Well the night marches on and the long bank holiday is over, so I will say Goodnight to you all, and happy shooting, may your arrows find their mark, and not sore too high on the winds.
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