Monday, 3 January 2011

Holiday Flights

Happy New Year readers, the holidays are over, or are close to being over and a whole new year full of possibilities. Plus a whole new year of shooting =D
Well the gifts of Christmas brought about some new arrowheads, short bodkins. But according the the rule book bodkins are not allowed, but seeing as they aren't like old fashioned bodkins I may be alright, I'll have to see. I may have to have a second set of arrows to shoot competitively with and just keep the bodkins for practice. Though I've not been told the weight so will have to see if the club has a scale for measuring the grain.
Since I last posted up here, the club has had the Christmas fun shoot. This involves team shooting in games like pontoon. For those who don't know how to play a suit of cards is strung up diagonally on the boss and your team shoots at it trying to get close to 21 without going over. If you go over your bust, picture cards count as 10 and Ace counts as 1 or 11. Plus just to make it a bit interesting some of the ends were timed so whole team have to shoot in 1minute, 45/30 seconds. But careful sometimes random rounds chosen by the judge are won by the lowest score (without going bust). But watch the other teams as a few inventive ways of scoring occur ed.
Next team game was a balloon popping race, of which your team went in turns to shoot a single arrow at a boss covered in balloons and the first to pop their balloons get lots of points, next fastest gets less and so on. This was fun and longbow archers were off the line almost as soon as they got on. A note goes to Steve Dunn for his amazement/frustration as he put an arrow through a balloon without bursting it, and just to prove nothing in archery is certain every compound archer managed at least one arrow where they didn't pop a balloon.
Sunday just gone was meant to be the January Frostbite, but fate obviously decided that I need more sleep and didn't let my alarm go off, so I woke up way after the shoot had finished, so missed. BUT this coming Sunday is the postal Portsmouth, so its gearing up and practicing for it.
Until next time happy shooting everyone.

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