Hello again everyone, its been another week of archery. With the cold weather moving in the walk to archery is getting more tricky as when I set off at around 6pm the sun has long since set and the cold night has arrived. Not really a problem, but recent snow fall that is now turning into ice due to the amount of heat and compression due to people walking on it the four miles can get a bit slippery. Cold wind doesn't help much either but the "assassin" outfit as it has been dubbed, is out and within minutes of the walk the cold doesn't reach me, though people are still shocked that I walk. Surprising though how many people aren't turning up since the snow compared to how many did before it fell. The roads I walk along aren't snowy or icy and coated with a good amount of grit, but I suppose people have their own reasons. Oh funny little thing happened on the Thursday walk, two boys on the other side of the street throwing snowballs at random passersby both see me, and back away down a small side road.
Another downside to this forty-five minute walk is that my bow gets very cold, making it very stiff, so I have to give it a good rub down before I shoot it properly. Alright you people at the back stop sniggering, I dunno people these days :p
With the start of the new month comes a new month of postal league shooting, so shooting Bray 1 rounds at whenever possible to try and get good score recorded to beat the other clubs around. Due to Tuesday's currently being filled with beginners shooting a round of any type can be very slow between ends, so its just really good for practice and socialising. Thursday again being quite due to the cold weather was quite good for shooting, so after a few ends to warm up my muscles and the bow more than anything else, a Bray 1 round was started and I managed to beat my personal best of 149, with a score of 158, 28/30 hits, 0 golds. Just because I didn't get any golds, doesn't mean I didn't hit the gold part of the target. The golds are the 2nd ring (for longbows and recurves) so, basically I hit near the centre but not direct centre. With only 2 misses as well its very good for a longbow archer, esp a reasonably new one that makes his life harder by shooting without any shooting aids. I did do a second Bray 1 but this was much worse only scoring 115, 26/30 1gold......The amount of hits and the fact I managed to get a gold, is good its just when I did hit they were pretty wild on the target rather than focused in the centre like the first. Oh well, can't win them all, esp in archery, but its a good start for the new month.
I have discovered though that through body movement I'm starting to know before I'm even at full draw whether the shot is going to be a bad one or not, downside is I feel its going to be a bad one, and don't come down and do it again, so that's one thing I have to get into doing. Its not as easy as you thought, its like trying to throw a ball and just as your about to let go going back the way you came till your just holding it.
Hmm I really need to get some pictures up on here.......maybe next time.
I've got to get myself in a training routine to build up my shoulders and back muscles for the next out door season when the heavier bow arrives, as well as order some new shafts and heads so I can make a new flock of ravens (arrows). Hopefully someone will give me something towards it for Christmas, but if not then no worry.
That's all for now people, stay tuned for more.
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