My archery seems to have taken a bit of a nose dive since we moved indoors. I can't seem to get the scores I should be getting and not entirely sure why, I've probably changed my form in some way and its not proving beneficial. What might be effecting it is that I'm switching between my new bow and old bow depending on how my finger is feeling. At the end of last indoor season my third finger on my drawing hand was giving me alot of pain whilst drawing up, so much I was missing a few practice nights to try and relax it. Though as is always the way its only when things hurt that you realise how much you use things.
One of the archers at the club gave me a good tip to help it heal and it is working, but I still need to practice with the new bow to get better control of it, also when the new set of arrows are ready I'm hoping they'll be a better match to the bow than the current arrows are.
I still get bored shooting indoors as its always the same two rounds over and over again little to no change in distance and just dull. If there is a sunny day I might try and convince some people to come and play outside, though with the chill in the air people might be less inclined to go out.
Not much has happened since my last update, aside from attending White Roses' Sherry shoot. Though I do have to admit part way though I was almost going to drop out as drawing the bow was getting very painful. Thinking back it would have probably been better for my finger if I had, but I still shot and because of it I shot rather poorly as I couldn't draw the bow with any form of consistency. But it was still a nice shoot to attend and very well catered.
I also attended New Century's novice shoot where despite shooting with a bad finger (and not shooting very well) I managed to set a new PB for a National round and won a white wheat sheaf Cheshire badge. So that was one bit of good news.
We have had one fun shoot since we moved indoors on Halloween, which was great. Lots of people dressing up (myself included). Fun games (thanks Meg) and wonderful food.
As things stand though I'm still nursing a bad finger and stuck indoors. But things will come back to me again, they often do.
I will end this update with a quote from master Yoda himself (yes not an archery quote but relates to all things);
'Do' or 'Do not'. There is no 'Try'