17th February saw the shoot for the Valentine's cup. This is a Portsmouth normally shot as close to Valentine's day as possible, hence the name. Despite some shooting that all I can say was erratic at best I managed to get the top score for the gents longbow with 357 56/5 (yes 4 misses on a Portsmouth I'm ashamed too), though overall longbow was won by Elsie who was shooting very well that day. One complaint about it though is that all of a sudden we've started having breaks halfway through shoots, which for me is rather tough as unlike other archers I have no sight or PoA to go back to. I don't mind breaks outside when the targets get moved and such but for a shoot of 5 dozen indoors its just annoying, esp on a Thursday evening after work. But I suppose I should get used to them incase I do anymore external competitions, though still don't see much point in them. Despite the misses though the score was better than previous so I'm am coming out of the rut I went into.
The 20th brought in this months Frostbite, and this was well named. Due to erm booking problems shall we say (politely) the frostbite took place at Knutsford Sports club. The temperature was not the best to shoot in, but it was the icy wind that really put a shiver down the spine. So next month if its like that the cloak and possibly furs (yes real fur, and seeing as its probably 50+years old I see no problem with wearing it) will be coming out. Shaun came top of the longbows, but seeing as his is a master bowman that's hardly surprising. But despite the wind and the curved arrows I managed to beat my PB for it, and only got 4 misses, which isn't bad seeing as its 30m (12m longer than inside).
It was a good turn out with roughly 19 archers five of which were longbows. I managed a score of 184 24/3. Again curved arrows weren't helpful in this, esp my no.3 arrow who insisted that it didn't like its target and preferred the other two. This month it was Robert who won the scratch, and to his surprise we actually had the medal (he'd won it a few times and it had not turned up), Compound was by John Stubbs (no surprise there seeing he is a grand master bowman and a paralympic gold medalist), Shaun won the longbow medal (again no real surprise), but big congratulations to Doug for winning the handicap medal with his longbow, seems rubber ducks are he way forward in the sighting stands.
Wednesday saw the delivery of my new longbow (the right one this time), though I have to ease it in and allow the strong to stretch before I can really shoot with it, which is alright with me seeing as I got it to shoot outdoors with. Though its another reason why I have to go to the archery shop for supplies. This one is by Adrian Hayes, and is bamboo, ipe, and ipe, with a horn arrow pass, and 55lbs @26".
That's about it for now. Good shooting everyone.